The past ten days have been crazier than usual in our household. I went to my sister's wedding at the same time as Nathan went to a work conference. Danielle is now the youngest traveler in our family. She flew at only 6 1/2 weeks old.
We flew to Reno a few days before Lenaya got married, so that my mother-in-law could see Danielle for the first time. She looked like she was about to jump out of her skin she was so excited when we walked out of the terminal. She finally got her much needed baby-holding out of her system, and we had a great time visiting and shopping. We ate some great food, and eased my food cravings for Chinese and fresh Mexican. I also had a great time seeing the rest of the family and got a quick visit with Jeff & Jen before they headed to Utah.
On Friday we went to Sparks and I'm sure I hindered more than helped in the decorating, but luckily Lenaya had simple plans, and so there wasn't too much to do. I got to have a tour of the home that Lenaya and Brian have just closed on. It's going to be wonderful with a few coats of paint and a little remodeling. I'm glad they have a home.
The whole family showed up within a few hours of each other then, and that's when the fun really started. All my siblings were there along with their families and I was sad that my kids were missing out. It was complete pandemonium and I was quite sleep deprived, but the conversations were worth the pounding headache I had the next day.
The wedding day itself went perfectly. We had a family breakfast where I had a chance to talk with both my uncles and their families. We hung out in the afternoon and then headed over to the church.Lenaya looked beautiful in her dress and there was quite a large turn-out. She and Brian have a lot of people who love them. My favorite favorite part of the ceremony was when Xiana walked down the aisle and saw Brian. She said in her sweet high-pitched voice, "Hi Daddy!"
It brought tears to my eyes. I am glad that she has such a good daddy. I think that they are going to be really happy together and that makes me happy. My dad kept choking up all day. His emotions were tender, as he was so grateful that she has come so far.
Danielle did really well on the plane, considering the evenings can be her fussy time. On the first flight home we sat next to an elderly man. When he saw us sitting next to him, he gave a look saying, "Out of all the people on this plane, I have to be the one stuck next to the baby!?" He never said a word to us the entire two hour flight. To make the situation even more humorous, Danielle had a blowout and I only had two wipes left. I'm sure he was horrified, but I kept thinking that somebody changed his diaper when he was a baby.
Meanwhile on the homefront, our kids were looked after by some friends of ours who are heading off to Medical school in the fall. On Saturday morning, they took the kids to their favorite place to go on the weekend: Big R. They got free popcorn and saw the cute baby chicks. They had a lot of fun but were really happy to see me when I got back late Sunday night.
I still had a busy week ahead of me once I returned, because Nathan was gone until Friday. Between calls he managed to buy a new car that we are picking up from Pueblo next week. It is an Ocean Mist Metallic Honda Odyssey with grey leather interior.
We had a very rare sleepover on Monday night, because our best friends were moving to Nebraska and the boys wanted as much time together as possible. At 10:30 that night they came to me upset because they forgot to go outside for night games. I thought about how it would look for our kids to be running around in the backyard with flashlights on a school night, and then let them go figuring that I know the police chief and couldn't get into too big of trouble. It was a sad day when the Fletchers left for Nebraska. We feel a void in our lives!
My days were consumed with our usual schooling, soccer practices, scouts, meals, meetings, book club and trying to keep the house from falling into shambles. Nicole had class pictures on the same day that it was our turn to bring snack. We somehow made it through the week until Nathan was home on Friday.
Today I cleaned the bathrooms and went shopping since we had resorted to making dried milk, we were so low on groceries. Nathan came with me, and it was so nice to be together after 10 days of separation. I don't know how single mothers make it. I am so happy to have our family back intact. It will take us at least a month to catch up on the events, and I am glad that we are together.
Announcing Segullah November 2024 Edition
2 months ago
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