Family March 2017

Family March 2017

Friday, January 11, 2013


This month I have started to pack up the lesser used items in our home.  We have lived in this house for 6 1/2 years, which is the longest length of time that I have lived in the same house.  I consider myself a simple person with few possessions, but I still am amazed at how much we have accumulated in such a relatively brief period of time. 

I packed the Christmas decorations with more care this year and taped the boxes shut, knowing that next year, we will celebrate the holidays in a different home.  I feel a rush of different emotions at times like this.  I will miss our life we have created, but at the same time I feel a thrill of excitement at the new adventures in our path.


How can we possibly have so many books?  I vow to not buy another book until we read all the ones we currently own.  Also, I've decided that I like living with half as many toys.  I will rotate toys forevermore.  They play better with the ones they have and I pick up fewer toys.

The one thing I have enjoyed less is keeping the house clean for perspective house buyers.  We have had a couple people want to see it, which gives me hope that we will sell it before we move, but I feel a compulsive need to stay on top of the cleanliness of our carpets and windows.  Some days I hope the house sells quickly, even though we would have to find temporary lodging.  That way we could buy another house and know where we will be living.  Other days, I don't feel in any hurry and figure we may just rent a house until we can sell this one.  Whenever I feel particularly stressed and pray about it, I feel a calm that all will happen as it should in the proper order.

I would really like to put some roots down when we move and stay for a longer period of time.  It will be nice to be so close to our family in a more mild climate.  It is hard for kids to move consistently, and I would like for our four older ones to graduate from the same High School.  

At the same time, I cannot plan that far, and I have no crystal ball.  As I pack my belongings into boxes, I accept the uncertainty of my future and agree to take it one step at a time.

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