Family March 2017

Family March 2017

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

We had a wonderful trip to Hawaii. (More to come on that in future posts). We brought all the kids home some Easter clothes, and it was fun to dress up.

Brandon is looking good and growing up way too fast. He is still a basketball maniac:

Andrew is our mathematical whiz! He is growing up right behind Brandon. One of these days he really will pass him up.

Connor was feeling under the weather today, so he stayed home from church. He is such a good helper. He loves to cook and is a help around the house. He is growing too quickly as well.

Nicole loves to play with her friends. She has been having a blast during spring break having more opportunities to get together with her friends. She is also a mama's girl and loves being able to do things with me. She looked pretty in her dress.

Danielle wouldn't stand still long enough for me to take a posed picture. This was the closest I got to one. She really loved finding Easter eggs and eating all her candy. She was up late from the sugar high.

Nathan and I had such a great time getting away and feel refreshed after a particularly difficult semester.

Happy Easter! What a blessing that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ we all can be saved. Spring is such a hopeful time of the year.

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