Family March 2017

Family March 2017

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Danielle has reached a fun stage where she likes to mimic people. She copies things that we do all the time and keeps us laughing with her antics. She also has gotten more independent and doesn't want us to help her do anything. If I so much as open her yogurt, she will refuse to eat it, even it has been ten hours since her last meal, and yogurt is her favorite food. She has also become a hoarder with her new Princess Rider. When we can't find a wii nunchuk, a remote or keys, we just need to look in the seat of her secret stash. What a firecracker!

Tonight she wandered into the bathroom with me, and while I was using the bathroom, she decided that she needed to feed the cat. She opened the cupboard, with me trying to explain to an almost-two year old that the cat already had enough food. She must have known that I was indisposed and unable to stop her, so she grabbed a handful of cat food and deposited it in the cat's dish with only a quarter of it ending up in the water bowl.

Once I was free to go after her I stopped her from grabbing her third handful and blocked the cupboard door, while she furiously screamed at me for letting her kitty go hungry. I scooped up the water dish and dumped it into the toilet before I refilled it with fresh water. As I was standing at the sink, Danielle grabbed the food dish and dumped it in the toilet. I'm sure it made perfect sense to her.

1 comment:

  1. On the day that my youngest turns 5, I still must say that I usually don't miss having a toddler around the house! So tiring!
