How is it possible that Danielle is already one year old? In just 12 short months she transformed from a helpless 5'14" wee one, to a talking, moving, aware creature.
This has been a hard year where I felt torn in so many directions. Still, I really tried to savor each stage Danielle went through. Each month they change so much. When I felt like I was going to drown in my responsibilities of teaching my children, staying on top of my church calling, keeping food on the table, and maintaining some sense of order in the house, I would remind myself to slow down a moment and inhale the beauty of that fleeting moment.
Danielle is such a sweet happy little girl. She loves to be held by her mama, but she is steadily becoming more independent. She scoots around the house rather than crawls. She pulled herself to standing for the first time the day before her birthday. She is very vocal and loves to say, "hot!" accenting the 't'. She also says kitty, mama, dada, and duh-duh for "Brandon." She loves to be read to and looks at her books independently. She makes everyone in the family smile and has made us all a little younger.
I have several more gray hairs this year, but she is worth it. Hopefully the next year will bring more sleep, but hopefully I will remember to continue to savor these moments.
Announcing Segullah November 2024 Edition
2 months ago
I love all of the pictures but some of them didn't come through. It is such a blessing to get a peek of your lives.