I went into my pre-practicum experience knowing that it would be intense and emotional, and I was right. I learned so much about myself and my way of being in the world. I bonded with the people in my group. It was interesting to discover that even though we were from a variety of places including Virginia, Pennsylvania, California, Wisconsin and Colorado, we were so much alike. We all have the same basic needs for love, approval, and compassion.
We practiced counseling each other in what they call the "fishbowl" where everyone gives feedback. I thought I would be able to do it, but I was very anxious and unsure. After the first few times I relaxed and it felt very natural for me. I also had my feelings confirmed to me that I absolutely love it! The feedback I got was positive and encouraging. I learned a lot about where I need to learn and grow, and I am apprehensive about all the work the next few years will entail, but I am sure that I am going in the right direction.
My boys went off to Vail with Nathan for his City Managers conference. They had a nice time relaxing. My girls had a harder time with my daily disappearance and were pretty emotional. Thank goodness for good friends and neighbors who made sure they were taken care of and loved.
The second to last night of my practicum, I got a message from Holly Sandiford Bartlett on Facebook. She was trying to track down the sister missionary who found and taught her. I hadn't seen or heard from her for over 16 years, and I didn't know that she had ever been baptized. She wrote on her page the following:
"After years of searching, I think I just found the first sister missionary who gave me the discussions all those years ago (1995)!!!! I wouldn't commit to baptism back then, but she left an indelible impression on me and I never forgot her! She has a beautiful family, and I can't wait to hear what she has been up to all these years."
My heart was full!
So much that we feel is impossible to express.
Announcing Segullah November 2024 Edition
2 months ago